An Elegant Building

In Historic Galata

Bağdatlıyan Residence

Meroddi Bağdatlıyan Hotel

As an early example of Western style multi-story apartments in Istanbul, Bağdatlıyan Residence was built between 1895 and 1905. The residence was named after the first owner of the building, Ohannes Bağdatlıyan, who served as the director for the Bureau of Nationalities in the Ottoman Foreign Ministry. Renovated according to the historic elegancy with great care in 2014, the Bağdatlıyan Residence opened up its doors in February 2015 as an elegant boutique hotel.

Meroddi Bağdatlıyan Hotel

These premises were built sometime between 1895 and 1905 on the “First Municipality Street”, which contained at the time the palatial edifice of Galata-Pera Municipality, the first such civic administration in Turkey.
The street (then called Karanfil Street) that Bağdatlıyan residence was situated comprised the most valuable estates in Istanbul at that time. During the second half of the 19th century, Western style multi-story apartments were introduced to İstanbul for the first time. Bağdatlıyan was one of the early examples of such apartments that were built with a heavy influence of French architectural style.

The first owner of the building was Ohannes Bağdatlıyan, who served as the director for the Bureau of Nationalities in the Ottoman Foreign Ministry.
The Bağdatlıyan Residence was only 100 mt. from Istanbul’s first horse-pulled tramway network that began service in 1871, and just 150 mt. from the first underground funicular railway (Tünel) that connected quarters of Beyoğlu and Karaköy in 1875. It was also 150 m. from the now-defunct iron-ladder that stretched from the fourth floor of the Municipality building to the “First Municipality Street.”
Cosmopolitan atmosphere of the street and the surrounding Pera in the late Ottoman era were described by the Edmondo de Amicis in his book, Constantinople (1896):

''Pera lies more than 300 hundred feet above the sea level, is bright and cheerful, and overlooks both the Golden Horn and the Bosphorus. It is the “West End” of the European colony, the quarter where are to be found the comfort and elegancies of life.''


Sustainability Policy

Bağdatlıyan Hotel has adopted an environmentally friendly, efficiency-oriented and natural life-protecting approach for a livable world within the scope of the services it offers. In this regard, our facility has been entitled to receive a sustainability certificate.

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  • Meroddi Pera
  • Meroddi Bağdatlıyan
  • Meroddi Bağdatlıyan Hotel
  • Meroddi Bağdatlıyan Hotel
  • Meroddi Bağdatlıyan Hotel
  • Meroddi Bağdatlıyan Hotel
  • Meroddi Bağdatlıyan Hotel
  • Meroddi Bağdatlıyan Hotel
  • Meroddi Bağdatlıyan
  • Meroddi Pera